Books By Josh

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February 14th 2018 Mid Month Blues?

   Today's post was inspired by Valentine's day and also the fact that it's the middle of February. This post is not your typical post about Valentine's day because that's not really what this post is about. So let's dive into today's post.

   So the main reason I wrote this post was because half of the month has already passed. So this is a perfect way of gauging where I am in obtaining my goals. I wanted to increase my site traffic from 155 unique visitors to 225, that didn't happen and I ended up losing a couple and finished with 135. One goal that I did hit was increasing my RSS subscribers. At the end of December 2017 we had 185 but at the end of January 2018 we had 244. You can't win them all but progress is still progress. Last month my most seen post was my interpretation of the Martin quote which is no surprise because I am number one on Google for that search. The second most viewed post was my post on the 4th of the month which was titled Identify yourself. Which isn't bad and 73% of my traffic came from google search, so that means more of my post are being seen on Google and not just the one Martin one.

   So now let's talk about where I am standing now in the middle of February. I suck this month and there is no reason why I shouldn't suck. I haven't put in the same amount of work as I did at the end of December and beginning of January. I didn't put out as much content as I could have and there is no denying that but that's why I started putting out quality content again. Take a listen to Episode 21 of the Books By Josh Show to get an idea of what I'm getting at. What's lighting the fire under me this month you might be asking. It's Crushing it by Gary Vaynerchuck, I have been reading this book in my down time at work and it hits home. Gary isn't saying anything different but I love that he's including stories of people he has influenced and touched. What hits home for me is the fact that everyone had to eat "shit" I'm not the only one and that makes me feel better. I didn't get into blog writing and podcasting for the fame, I got into it to talk and express myself. I was always told that I was good at giving advice, so why limit myself to a couple of people instead of helping anyone who is in need. Numbers shouldn't matter in this phase so I'm going to disregard them for a while and just put more and more content out. But for those of you who still care for the numbers so far this month we have 34 unique visitors. There is nothing to hide as I will never delete this post because one day I'm going to showcase this post and show people I ate shit during this time.

   So now let's talk about Valentine's day because I know some people reading this are single and didn't do anything special today. That's great because that gives you more time to hustle or it's great because it fuels your fire. The first part is self explanatory, you don't have to go out to dinner or an expensive date so you can work harder on your side hustle. You can use that time to read a book or an article or use the holiday as a way to make some quick pocket money. Sell some home baked goods, buy flowers a day or two before and resell them. Sell your own custom Valentine's day card (Side note I might look into this) the possibilities are endless as long as you hustle. Now on to the second part of being single on Valentine's day, it fuels your fire. This simply means it makes some people mad, it makes them ask themselves why they are single. It makes them think of past relationships and where they went wrong. I'm not trying to be a downer because if it makes you feel this way that's wonderful! Yes I said wonderful because now that your angry about your current situation you will take action. It's not until we are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired that we actually do something about it. Josh, you seem pretty knowledgeable about Valentine's day blues, how does this time affect you? Good question but I don't really celebrate holidays, I don't like being told I have to give gifts on specific days. It's like Tony Robbins says if you want your relationships to last treat everyday like it's the beginning of the relation ship and there will be no end. So give gifts whenever rather than a cliche who only gives gifts on holidays.

   So what does all of this mean for the Average Joe, it basically means oh well. Don't worry about not hitting all of your goals or being single on Valentine's day. It happens to all of us but the thing that sets us apart from the Anti-Average Joe is how we react to missing our goals and being dateless today.

   If you enjoyed this post thanks, if not oh well. Either way feel free to leave me a comment down below. If you want more content, you can subscribe to the Books By Josh Show on ITunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher. If you want more content then that you can check us out on YouTube. To get notified whenever we post make sure you follow us on Twitter or Facebook. If you wish to support the site, the best way is to tell your friends about us. If you want to show more love feel free to subscribe or support us. If that still isn't enough, feel free to become a patreon or buy a signed copy of my book from our store page. All of the links to everything can be found at the bottom of this post and like always...... I'll catch you guys in the next one, see-ya.
