Books By Josh

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December 27th, 2017 If You Build it They Will Come.

   First off I want to start by saying Happy Holidays. Now with that out of the way let me apologize for my absence. Life happens, but I'm back again to bring my opinions to the masses. So like always this post was inspired by something in my life and the inspiration for this posts comes from of Gary Vee.  Today I saw his recent video entitled "The Last Video You Have To Watch In 2017," and all I could say to myself while watching the video was "wow". For those of you out there who don't know who Gary Vee is, he is successful entrepreneur who has learned to maximize his productivity through tools such as social media. For his full bio just check out his site I know some readers might be grunting right now because they think this is another post about hard work..... Wrong!!!!!!!!! So sit back and enjoy the post.

   In my absence from this site, I have returned back to the work force and guess what? I still hate it, I changed the industry I work with and boy do I regret it. Don't worry I am not about to bore you the reader by complaining about it but this is just some food for thought. I thought that changing my industry would bring me joy again but it didn't. We all know what happens when you assume, so I started to think of ways to better myself. One of the thoughts that kept popping into my mind was to go back to school. I originally went to college for computer science but that isn't for me anymore. If I were to go back to college, I would go for a BA in a Business related field. I don't know about you guys but I like to do my own research on anything I purchase. Paying for higher education is something I also have to research before making the purchase, so I did do some research. I looked online at the textbooks that most business courses used in my area and they were boring and not really practical. Since you can learn almost anything for free I decided to take a look at Khan Academy. In case you have not heard of Khan Academy, they are a website that offers free learning on almost any subject. They have different ways of learning such as text, videos and quizzes. When I looked under the Entrepreneur section the only teachings I saw was interviews with certain Entrepreneurs. So I could either go to school two days a week and learn from professors who have not  succeed in the world of business. Why do I say that they failed in the world of business because we all know the saying "He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches." The second option is taking online courses and learning from a boring textbook that does well in theory but this is the real world. If Khan Academy is only offering videos Entrepreneurs getting interviewed, then my old way of learning was the best option for me.

   Now after that long paragraph you're asking yourself, what is my old way of learning. I learned from watching those who are more successful than I am. That is most vague response I could have given but let me explain. As a writer I am always surrounded by books, but I'm am not surrounded by fiction novels. I am constantly reading biographies, business building books, and self help books. Biographies sound weird when paired with the other two types of books but it isn't because I read biographies of successful people. Some of the biographies I have read were of Steve Jobs, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Walton and Ana Kendrick. I also watch videos posted by Evan Carmichael, which are usually videos of successful entrepreneurs' top ten rules for success. I am also blessed enough to know personally some great entrepreneurs who I learn from constantly. So why should I limit myself to one professor or book if I can learn from many more for a fraction of the price.

   After reading all of the text above, you are now questioning the title of this post. Well this post is not my take on a saying but rather me using this saying in my own life. I need to continue building my business because they will come eventually. I just need to keep at it, I need to continue writing and recording videos and podcasts because not being your own boss sucks. Instead of complaining about work and letting time go by, I have to use that to fuel me and my passion. I don't resent my job, I just know that it is not something I want to do for the rest of my life. Like always this is real talk, no filter but that's how we do it here @ If you enjoyed this post thanks, if not oh well. Either way feel free to leave me a comment down below. If you want more content, you can subscribe to the Books By Josh Show on ITunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher. If you want more content then that you can check us out on YouTube. To get notified whenever we post make sure you follow us on Twitter or Facebook. If you wish to support the site, the best way is to tell your friends about us. If you want to show more love feel free to subscribe or support us. If that still isn't enough, feel free to become a patreon or buy a signed copy of my book from our store page. All of the links to everything can be found at the bottom of this post and like always...... I'll catch you guys in the next one, see-ya.

